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Britney Army

Public·2 membres
Annalyse Karim
19 septembre 2021 · joined the group.
24 juin 2021 · a ajouté une image de couverture de groupe.

Today June 23, 2021, the court hearing took place and we got to hear Britney speak. Recording was illegal but it was legal to hear the audio. Obviously, the audio has leaked in many places so you can search it on your own however here is the full transcript from Variety. Please be aware though that Variety has missed some parts from the hearing like the "AA meetings".

Welcome to the Britney Army group! Obviously for fans of the Princess of Pop, as Bratzies Britney has had an impact on Bratz and many of us. Here you can post anything related to Britney INCLUDING #FreeBritney.

Annalyse Karim

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